Sunday, July 28, 2013


Still gathering materials, but doing some research has produced a lot of headway. Learning that I can do some things that were, at first, on my wish list. But now, I can get them done easily and at really low cost. This mostly is dealing with the animatronics and such.

A while back when I was looking for art reference and such, I came across this beauty.

This was made by Peter Mander, a special effects artist in Ontario back in 2010. The detail is amazing. It has given me some great insight on how to go about things with sculpting the suit. I've never worked with foam before, so I'll take all the help I can get. The only down side to Peter's costume is that I feel its a bit too tall, and is somewhat ungainly. As you can see in the 2nd pic. I hope to streamline this and make it very mobile. 

I should be starting on either the stilts or the hand extenders within the next 2 weeks. Next update around then.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

And so it begins...

A couple months ago, I started to wonder about some costume ideas. One has a lot of free time when rendering visual effects. So during this time of boredom brainstorming, I came to the realization that there are a crapton of Master Chief costumes from the Halo series, but you rarely see much else. There is the odd Marine and even the rare Cortana. But when do you ever see an Elite? 

So as my crazy imagination began to get carried away, I decided to make one. And I want to go full tilt with it. Complete with stilts and even a fully working animatronic head and mouth. (those robotics classes I took in middle school are finally gonna be put to use) I've given myself a year to complete this, just in time for the cons next year.

Badass just reached a new level.   7'4 in fact

I will be posting up my progress as I reach mile markers with the costume. Though the start will be a bit slow as I'm still acquiring materials and sketching up designs. Be sure to check in.